I didn’t get your point.
I would add: mathematics is not physics.
Physics uses mathematics (and natural language) to describe phenomena in the observable universe.
Depending on what you want to achieve, there is no need to use complex mathematical systems. Let’s consider the example of the bike you write about in the article. Let’s also say that we want to estimate how long it will take to go from a point A to a point B in your bicycle going at constant speed and on a straight line. By using the speed formula you mention, you can obtain a value which is an approximation. Considering all the elemental particles of your body, of the bike and so on… what you would obtain is a more precise approximation… which will be, guess what, a very very similar value compared to the one provided from the speed simplified formula.
Let’s make a better example: you can use Newton’s laws to describe motion and the results would better enough for a lot of applications. That would not be the case for GPS satellites.
I am using a computer to write this message, and this is possible because some people focused on simplifying things rather than make them more complex.
In a deterministic universe, anything can be mathematically described.
Universe doesn’t seems to be deterministic, in many ways, but it can still be described partially using mathematics. Is statistics science mathematics or not? Note the statistics can describe non deterministic phenomena.
I’ll end with a thought: even in mathematics not everything can be proved: