I strongly suggest you read my article https://medium.freecodecamp.org/test-driven-development-what-it-is-and-what-it-is-not-41fa6bca02a2
or at least T.D.D. by example by Kent Beck https://www.amazon.com/Test-Driven-Development-Kent-Beck/dp/0321146530
While what you say make sense, it seems to me that you misunderstood what T.D.D. is, even though the article is about testing and not T.D.D. itself.
I wrote a whole Tetris using T.D.D. and it took me 84 tests. Following your diagram, integration tests should be like 150… which is crazy! Definitely too many! As for end-to-end testing… I am not still convinced they are worth the time they require…
Anyway I agree that a Tetris example is not a good real world application example, so integration tests may be more valuable when focusing on testing. But T.D.D. is not about testing, is about writing code. And that simple statement is misunderstood by many programmers. Test-first make sense in the world of T.D.D., not in the world of testing…